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Wild Nature Farm
The BANN news vol.2

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Photo:Junichiro Morinaga

Text: Kayo Arita

It was a casual conversation on a late winter day when I visited Mr. Ban in his mountain field.


One of the most important things about living in the countryside is taking care of the weeds. If you let the weeds grow, the wind will spread the seeds around. Because they are also alive.

So, if your garden or field is overgrown with weeds, you may feel the eyes of your neighbors.


But, you know, in natural farming, we basically don't pull weeds.

Mr. Ban smiles mischievously.


Why is that? I asked.


He replied, "We pull weeds that cover the crops and interfere with photosynthesis, but we don't pull weeds that are not good for the soil.

But when we pull out weeds, we also remove microorganisms from the soil.


I feel that what is important for producing delicious crops is to create a symbiotic relationship between diverse microorganisms and plants.


I feel that it is important to create a symbiotic relationship between diverse microorganisms and plants.


In fact, when I talked with Mr. Ban, I could He never rejects or excludes other people's ideas or qualities at any time. I feel that he creates symbiotic relationships with diverse microorganisms and plants.
Of course, there are likes and dislikes. They do not exclude others because they do not like them. They embody a way of being that recognizes diversity from a neutral standpoint. I got the impression that he embodies a way of being that recognizes diversity I got the impression that he embodies a way of recognizing diversity from a neutral standpoint.


The people who gather at Mr. Ban's Wild Paradise are of different ages, genders, and places of residence, yet the atmosphere is naturally warm and friendly. The warm and friendly atmosphere that naturally prevails in the group is probably due in large part to Mr. Ban's way of being.


The Wild Paradise started in 2022.

In addition to pickle classes,

many other interesting experiences are

being planned for the future.


The gathering at Wild Paradise was

a very homey and comfortable place

that I would like to visit personally,

even if I don't do any work there.

If you are interested, please come and visit Ban-san's farm in Fujino.



Wild Nature Farm The ☆ BANN

In the mountainous area of Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture (formerly Fujino Town), vegetables are grown mainly using pesticide-free, fertilizer-free, and no-till farming methods.

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